FCMC Nomination Information
The following is a comprehensive outline of the Eligibility, Information, and Instructions you need to nominate a CMC for the FCMC Designation.

All members of CMC Ontario, including those members working outside Ontario, are eligible for the Fellow designation.
Nominees for election as Fellows of the Institute shall be recommended to Council by the Fellows Committee from time to time.
Under the Terms of Reference for the Fellows Committee, the Committee requires that nominated candidates be:
• a Member in good standing: fees paid, CPD points up-to-date, and currently not subject to disciplinary action
• is recognized as an outstanding professional, having made a significant contribution to the profession which has brought credit to the CMC designation and profession;
• has a minimum of 10 years experience as a management consultant or is otherwise deemed worthy of consideration; and
• is being nominated and seconded by Members in Good Standing of CMC-Canada.
Members on the Fellows Committee, at the time of nominations, are not eligible for nomination as a Fellows nor can they act as a nominator or seconder for a Fellow.
Nomination Information
Only CMCs and FCMCs in good standing can nominate or second the nomination of FCMC candidates.
The Fellows Committee considers submissions as they are received; however, it will not consider nominations that are incomplete or inaccurate. We reserve the right to contact the nominator to provide more information to clarify these omissions.
All nomination information can be submitted as a folder which includes all requirements outlined in this document. Nomination folders should be submitted to akpsott@gmail.com with Fellows Nomination in the Subject line. Submissions must be received by June 21st, and client testimonials and reference letters must be received by September 6th.
Nominators are responsible for ensuring that the nomination file is complete and are encouraged to connect with the nominee regarding the nomination, to ensure the information it contains is accurate and sufficient to allow the FCMC Committee to fairly evaluate the nomination.

Preparing a Nomination
The information contained in the nomination is the only information used to evaluate the candidate. It is therefore critical that the nomination file be prepared with care. Key points must be effectively highlighted in each section, and the information must be as exact and as complete as possible. Assume that the members of the Fellows Committee do not know the candidate you are nominating.
When filling in the CMC Fellow Nomination Form, aim for clarity, comprehension, and highlight the candidate’s leadership and the exceptional nature of their performance—these are decisive elements.
Nominators must highlight the candidate’s leadership and the significant nature of their accomplishments in providing service to client organizations, contributing to the profession of management consulting, and contributing beyond the profession through public and community activities (non-consulting).
Nominators are responsible for ensuring that the nomination file is complete and are encouraged to connect with the nominee during the process to ensure the information is accurate and complete.
The nomination file should demonstrate the depth and breadth of how the candidate has made an exceptional contribution in at least two of the three fields listed below. It should highlight the candidate’s measurable accomplishments as a professional management consultant.
- Qualification as a management consultant
- Advancement of the Profession of Management Consulting
- Volunteer Services (unpaid) to the Greater Community
In very rare circumstances, a candidate may have made such an exceptional contribution in one field of activity that the nominator feels that an FCMC is deserved. The Fellows Committee will consider such applications. The outstanding contribution of the candidate must be common knowledge, i.e., that the acknowledged achievements make the member a recognized and prominent leader in that field of activity.
The Nomination Submission includes six sections. Please read the following and click the “I Acknowledge that I Understand the Submission Requirements” button below the list:
Tell us about the Nominee, including their Name, Contact Information, Position, and Address.
As the Nominator, you must provide us your contact information, as well as that of the Seconder, including both your signatures.
Describe the paid professional career as a management consultant in private practice or as an internal consultant.
- Breadth of experience over a variety of services, fields, or roles such as organizational, operational, administrative, technology, etc.
- Depth of experience in more than one sector: Strategy, Operations, Financial Advisory, Human Resources, Risk & Compliance, Marketing, Information Technology, etc. and/or acknowledged expert in a given field.
- Identify what positions were held by the candidate and what were their roles and responsibilities for each of their significant assignments.
- Highlight the duration of various consulting assignments and what the candidate did that distinguished their capabilities with their clients. What was their vision, their efforts and their process? What were the
measurable impacts/outcomes?
- Confirm how they systematically analyzed facts and applied independent judgment based on their specialized knowledge and skill.
Describe the candidate’s involvement in and contribution to the advancement of the management consulting profession as a Certified Management Consultant.
- Describe how they provided exceptional services through the breadth of work to the profession in or on behalf of the Institute, its chapters, other provincial or regional ICMC Canada and/or CAMC or ICMCI.
- Describe the depth of experience in how they brought credit to the CMC designation and the management consulting profession as a whole.
- Specify the time in which the candidate was involved on the main boards, committees, and task forces and provide details on their achievements, such as
- time spent on the volunteer activities;
- the changes in the candidate’s roles if they were involved for several years;
- the impacts of the candidate’s initiatives (or leadership) on the consulting profession; and
- the results achieved or how their contribution positively affected or advanced the profession or the candidate’s Chapter, the Institute, or the broader Association.
- If the candidate is involved in compensated delivery of professional development for the CMC designation, this should be stated in relation to professional career (Section 3) rather than counted as volunteer involvement in the affairs of the consulting profession.
Describe the candidate’s volunteer contributions to professional, community, or charitable organizations, their roles and responsibilities, and the measurable impact of these activities.
- Include the breadth of volunteer services to organizations, communities, religious/charitable organizations including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
- Specify the depth of experience the candidate brought to their most important volunteer activities and provide the details about their achievements. Including:
- Initiatives or activities that resulted from the candidate’s efforts,
- Benefits to the targeted community
- Amount of time spent on the volunteer activities
- Changes in the candidate’s roles if they were involved over several years.
The importance of the recommendation letters cannot be over-emphasized. There should be at least three testimonial letters attached to the submission. There is no maximum number of recommendations that can be included.
These recommendation letters provide real examples and personal insight into the way the candidate is perceived by someone who has observed the candidate’s significant contributions in the advancement of a cause, the development of an organization, or the completion of a major project. These recommendations letters should highlight the candidate’s achievements, the expectations that were placed on them, and the measurable results/outcomes they achieved. Specifically, the letters need to describe the difference that the candidate’s contribution has made.