The FCMC process requires submission of the required documentation outlined in these instructions. The information provided in the documentation then goes through a rigorous evaluation by the FCMC committee who determines if the candidate meets the qualifications required to be awarded an FCMC. Nomination does not guarantee the awarding of the FCMC.

This Nomination Submission includes six sections:

  1. Candidate’s name, position, and address
  2. Nominator and Seconder contact data and signatures
  3. Qualification as a Management Consultant
  4. Service to the Advancement of the Profession of Management Consulting
  5. Volunteer Services (unpaid) to the Greater Community
  6. Letters/emails of recommendation (at least three letters/emails required)

Please complete Sections 1 and 2 below and include this sheet as a cover page for the submission. You may choose to use the available text boxes on this form for Sections 3 through 5 or use your own template. For Section 6, please use the second form below to itemize the contact data for the writers.

Please click the appropriate box above to indicate that you agree with the information above. Both are required for this nomination form to be accepted.
Describe the Candidate's paid professional career as a management consultant in private practice or as an internal consultant. • Describe the Candidate's paid professional career as a management consultant in private practice or as an internal consultant. What positions were held by you and what was your roles and responsibilities for each of the significant assignments. • Highlight the duration of the Candidate's various consulting assignments and what they did that distinguished their capabilities with their clients. What was the vision, efforts, and process? What were the measurable impacts/outcomes? • How did they systematically analyze facts and how did they apply independent judgment based on their specialized knowledge and skill.
Describe the candidate’s involvement in and contribution to the advancement of the management consulting profession as a Certified Management Consultant. • Describe their involvement in and contribution to the advancement of the management consulting profession as a Certified Management Consultant. • Describe how they provided exceptional services to the profession through work in or on behalf of the Institute, its chapters, other provincial or regional ICMC Canada and/or CAMC or ICMCI organizations. • Describe in what way they brought credit to the CMC designation and the management consulting profession. • Specify the time in which they were involved on CMC boards, committees, and task forces and provide details of your achievements, such as: • time spent on the volunteer activities; • changes in the roles if they were involved for several years; • impacts of their initiatives (or leadership) on the consulting profession; and • results achieved or how their contribution positively affected or advanced the profession or your Chapter, the Institute, or the broader Association. • If they were involved in compensated delivery of professional development for the CMC designation, this should be mentioned in relation to professional career (Section 3) rather than counted as volunteer involvement in the affairs of the consulting profession.
Describe the candidate’s volunteer contributions to professional, community, or charitable organizations, their roles and responsibilities, and the measurable impact of these activities. • Describe their volunteer contributions to professional, community, or charitable organizations, their roles and responsibilities, and the measurable impact of these activities. • Include what were their volunteer services to organizations, communities, religious/charitable organizations including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). • Specify the time in which they carried out their most important volunteer activities and provide the details about the achievements. These could include the initiatives or activities that resulted from their efforts, the benefits to the targeted community, the amount of time spent on the volunteer activities, and the changes in their roles if they were involved over several years.

We have separated section 6 (below) to give you more time to submit client testimonials and reference letters, which are due by September 6th.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Recommendation letters/emails should relate specifically to the details contained in the application. At least 3 letters/emails must be submitted with the application. Include the contact data so that a member of the Fellows Committee can easily contact these individuals to obtain additional details regarding the recommendation letters/emails to support this application.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Recommendation letters/emails should relate specifically to the details contained in the application. At least 3 letters/emails must be submitted with the application. Include the contact data so that a member of the Fellows Committee can easily contact these individuals to obtain additional details regarding the recommendation letters/emails to support this application.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Recommendation letters/emails should relate specifically to the details contained in the application. At least 3 letters/emails must be submitted with the application. Include the contact data so that a member of the Fellows Committee can easily contact these individuals to obtain additional details regarding the recommendation letters/emails to support this application.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Recommendation letters/emails should relate specifically to the details contained in the application. At least 3 letters/emails must be submitted with the application. Include the contact data so that a member of the Fellows Committee can easily contact these individuals to obtain additional details regarding the recommendation letters/emails to support this application.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Recommendation letters/emails should relate specifically to the details contained in the application. At least 3 letters/emails must be submitted with the application. Include the contact data so that a member of the Fellows Committee can easily contact these individuals to obtain additional details regarding the recommendation letters/emails to support this application.