FCMCs are recognized as CMCs that have made significant contributions to their Clients, Institutes, the Profession, and to Society

One of the benefits of becoming a CMC is gaining the recognition of your peers. The Fellow Certified Management Consultant (FCMC) designation is a special recognition for those who have made significant contributions to clients, to their Institutes, to the profession, and to society.
The achievements in their careers or in the community have earned them distinction and brought honour to the profession.
The process for FCMC Nominations can vary across Certifying Institutes but the criteria is rigorous, and nomination submissions have included testimonial information from peers, clients, and community representatives.
For more information about FCMC nominations, please contact your Provincial Certifying Institute .
Nominate an Ontario CMC for the FCMC Designation!
CMC-Ontario Instructions to the Nominator of an FCMC Candidate
The title of Fellow is intended to formally recognize CMCs in good standing who have provided exceptional service to the profession or whose achievements in their careers or in the community have earned them distinction and brought honour to the profession.
The award is given to individuals who have made an “exceptional contribution to the profession of management consulting over time” as distinct from intense involvement over a concentrated period. See the specific criteria as defined below.
Note: The FCMC process requires submission of the required documentation outlined in these instructions. The information provided in the documentation then goes through a rigorous evaluation by the FCMC committee who determines if the candidate meets the qualifications required to be awarded an FCMC.
If you would like to begin the nomination process, please click the appropriate button below.